Michael Bay was recycling the car crash footage from his own movie in TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON? Many people would have been surprised, especially TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON was blessed with a huge $195-million budget tag. But there's a solid reason for the recycling car crash footage (in this case, his own 2005's THE ISLAND) he has chosen to use. According to IGN, the footage from THE ISLAND was inserted due to an unfortunate accident previously happened during a filming of that particular chase scene in TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON. Apparently a tow-cable was snapped and ended up hitting film extra Gabriella Cedillo. She suffered a serious head injury and even becoming paralyzed. You can check the comparison between THE ISLAND and TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON car crash footage below.
I've gotta say, Michael Bay and his special effects team has done a great job of putting all the scenes together so seamlessly it's like a new footage altogether.