Wednesday, July 13, 2011

THE EVIL DEAD Gets Reboot Treatment!

Wow, they have finally done it! After decades of endless speculation of the much talked-about EVIL DEAD IV, it looks like producer Sam Raimi, who wrote and directed the first three movies in the franchise, is moving forward with another installment. But instead of him returning to the directing reign, he has handed over to director Federico Alvarez to be in charge. The title has changed from EVIL DEAD IV to THE EVIL DEAD, which is more of a reboot instead of series continuation.

Now, who is Federico Alvarez? Well, he is called Freddy by his friends and associates. He is best known for his 5-minute short PANIC ATTACK!, which features giant robots attacking Montevideo. You can check out his video below.

Sam Raimi, who is in Detroit with Federico Alvarez, is now hoping to cast THE EVIL DEAD before he ventures into his own directorial job for OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL. Now it has been rumored that the iconic character Ash, played by Bruce Campbell in the first three movies, may be cast as a female in this upcoming reboot.

Oh, wait... did I hear female version of Ash? And I thought they are going for the series continuation. Well, there you have it.