Sunday, August 7, 2011

David Cronenberg Goes Back To His Weird Old Self On Directing The Adaptation Of Jonathan Lethem's AS SHE CLIMBED ACROSS THE TABLE!

It's been a while since visionary director David Cronenberg delivers his weird trademark that borderlines between controversial and creepy undertones often characterized in some of his past efforts including SCANNERS (1981), VIDEODROME (1983), THE FLY (1986), DEAD RINGERS (1988) and SPIDER (2002). Now die-hard fans of his earlier work will be appreciated with his "comeback" as he is set to direct an adaptation of Jonathan Lethem's AS SHE CLIMBED ACROSS THE TABLE.

The novel is a weird love triangle which revolves around an academic, his particle-physicist girlfriend, and the black hole that comes as the result of her lab experiments to replicate the origins of the universe. The physicist dumps her boyfriend to spend all her time with the black hole instead, in which she calls Lack. Despite that, the academic will do anything to win her back, even if it takes him to confront his rival for her affections and risking a trip down a cosmic rabbit hole.

Judging by the premise alone, this is certainly up to the Cronenberg's ally. After all, sometimes it's good to see a filmmaker going back to the roots once in a while.