Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Megan Fox: A Lead Role For CARRIE Or Broadway!

Looks like Megan Fox really wants to boost her career as a serious actress after all. Well, she did attempt that in the little-seen PASSION PLAY (2011) which suffered both critical and box-office disaster. But she never gives up though, because now she determines to land on her dream role as the tortured teen in MGM's planned remake of 1976 horror classic, CARRIE. The tortured teen is of course once immortalized by Sissy Spacek in the original version.

Here's what a close source to Megan Fox have to say about her wanted the dream role.

Megan is a huge fan of the original and would love the chance to play the lead. She’s 25 now but she’s sure she could still do justice to teenage Carrie. She’s told her people to make it happen.

It is believed that if Megan Fox fails to secure her dream role in CARRIE, she will take a break from Hollywood for a starring role on Broadway! Wow, is that so?